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The Pledge

I've not gone back to school yet, so I'm sitting in my kitchen after having a leisurely breakfast and I'm contemplating this new year ahead: what will my resolution be?
Following a crochet pattern and not just the videos? Get healthy? Get organised? They all just seem quite selfish and 'run of the mill' (okay, maybe the crochet one isn't for everyone). I need to do something for someone else.

Being a full time teacher and a Cub Scout leader, my time is pretty limited and Scouting is all the volunteering I can muster. I already give to charity (three in fact) - I actually need to make a difference.

Everyone watched Blue Planet II right? Everyone was moved to tears by the plight of the whales, sea birds and other marine creatures, right? Everyone's gonna do something about it right? Once that initial hype has died down, who is going to make a change?

Me. That's my new year's resolution!

If I can make some small, easy changes to the way I live my life that will also improve the wellness of our oceans, then I will consider my resolution, resolved! The thing is, when you start to think about it and look around you, we are surrounded by plastic; it's everywhere! I cannot deny its uses, how it has helped us to 'improve' our lives, but I cannot ignore the single-use plastics, the throw-away items that just don't go away. 

There is no 'away'.

It gets burnt, buried, or shipped halfway across the globe to be burnt or buried in someone else's back garden. We are paying to dump our rubbish elsewhere.

There is no elsewhere.
It never goes away. Plastic breaks down to become smaller pieces of, you guessed it, plastic which enters the food system in the ocean, or leeches into our soil where we grow our food. We are poisoning ourselves. The nine-year olds in my class can understand this, how come grown ups can't? As a school, we're working with Surfers Against Sewage to spread the message against single-use plastics. #powertothepupils

So 2018, there's no time like the present, I'm reducing my consumption of single-use plastics. I might not get it completely right all the time, but I will share my journey and hope that you're inspired to join me on this revolution that might just make a difference!

Follow Me:
Insta: @louathersuch
Twitter: @lou_wurm
School Twitter: @AshleySchoolUK
